95 of #100daysofplace
Clear Creek, Idaho Springs, Colorado
“A river so clear and transparent that the bright stones suspended within its currents could be seen with the naked eye, glittering with the traces of an incontestable radiance...”
- Kevin Fedarko, The Emerald Mile
This painting shows a view of Clear Creek Canyon from the top of Lookout Mountain in Golden, CO. Overlaid in gold is a map of the Clear Creek watershed itself. Headwaters emerge near Loveland Pass and sections of the creek traverse a rugged class V gorge as it runs through Georgetown and Idaho Springs down into the Front Range and Denver, eventually emptying into the South Platte near Thornton, CO.
All paintings in the #100daysofplace series are original, one of a kind works of art on 6”x9” 140 lb. watercolor paper. Your painting will be shipped to you mounted in an archival quality, custom-cut white mat, ready to pop in a 9”x12” frame.
A limited number of white, ready to hang, frames are available for purchase here in my shop in a separate listing.